2019 01 04 sankthallen1

2019 01 04 sankthallen2


Call For Participation – First Announcement

Call for Participation opens:     1 December 2018

Deadline for Submissions:       28 February 2019


The First Workshop “B/Orders Of Ukrainian Diasporas Cultural Representations” is to be held in Mykolaiv on 17 – 18 May 2019. It is launched by the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe at the University of St. Gallen and will be hosted by Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University.

The aim of the first Workshop is to connect 10 participants for a pilot comparative project that brings together different regions where Ukrainian Diasporas/ exiles/ emigration/ migration exist or existed, and outline parallels and differences in their cultural representations. The areas for discussion may cover but not be limited to the following issues:

  • exploring cultural representations of Ukrainian Diasporas and how they determine the borders of Ukraine as an independent state and at the same time how they order experience of being Ukrainian;
  • identifying stereotypes and new trends connected to massive migration of Ukrainians to the West and East, as well as influences of recent political and social events in Ukraine onto the transformations of the image in culture, art, literature, films, etc.
  • developing and implementing a project that enhance knowledge transfer and create opportunities for transcultural communication between Ukrainian society and Ukrainian Diasporas in the world;
  • working on inclusion of Ukrainian Diasporas’ achievements into the Ukrainian discourse;
  • facilitating cooperation between Ukrainian and world academic and civil society to revitalize dialogues about Ukrainian Diasporas as transcultural zones.

In long-term perspective the working group will compare, contrast, and systematize cultural representations of Ukraine and Ukrainians abroad produced by Ukrainian state, by representatives of Ukrainian Diasporas themselves, and by foreign cultural agents through hard and soft power tools. The project is also open for exploration of historical background and present-day challenges for Ukrainian immigrants in different spheres of life, such as, political and economical inclusion, border-crossing, educational possibilities, etc. The final goal is to establish effective connections and channels of communication between Ukrainian Diasporas and Ukrainian society through borders.

Instructions for Submissions:

Submit a single presentation proposal (max 500 words). You can indicate whether you are interested in submitting a full written paper based on your presentation. If a submission is accepted into the workshop program, then the full paper will be considered for publication.

The online platform to submit abstracts is available at:




Dates and Deadlines:

1 November 2018: Call for Participation announcement / Submission system opens

1 February 2019: Deadline for online registration

1 March 2019: Acceptance notifications

1 May 2019: Deadline for full-paper submission

17 – 18 May 2019: Workshop

The language of the workshop is English.

All expenses are paid by the organizers of the workshop.