Belarusian Political Science Review is a peer-reviewed political science periodical that serves as an interdisciplinary publication for research papers from various subfields of political science. The publication aims to meet the needs of a broader academic community in scientific enquiry on Belarusian politics and the politics of Eastern and Central Europe.

The Journal publishes research materials on all key topics and related to all approaches of political science without any methodological restrictions except for reasonable scholar criteria. The regional focus of the Journal is Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and Baltic States.

The contents of the Review are to be compiled of the best articles published by Belarusian political and social scientists initially in Belarusian or Russian. The rest of the contents are to be chosen through the procedure of a general open Call for Papers.

BPSReview was initiated by the Consortium of Belarusian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Latvian organizations, bringing together the experience of a broad academic community and institutions devoted to promoting and advancing research in political science and political analysis. The founder of the Journal is the Institute of Political Studies “Political Sphere” (Minsk-Vilnius, Belarus-Lithuania). The Journal is published by Vytautas Magnus University Press.

The Fist Issue is available for free on-line access at

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The same e-mail can be used to submit papers and ask any additional questions.



Aliaksiej Lastoŭski (Aliaksei Lastouski). Russo-Centrism as an Ideological Project of Belarusian Identity
Andrej Kazakievič (Andrei Kazakevich). Concepts (Ideas) of the Belarusian Nation since Gaining Independence (1990–2009)
Alieh Dziarnovič (Aleh Dziarnovich). Social Thought in 1960s-1970s’ Belarus: History, Nation and Independence
Siarhiej Bohdan (Siarhei Bohdan). The National Democratic Project in Belarusian Politics in 1980s-1990s: Zianon Paźniak’s Version
Iryna Michiejeva (Iryna Mikheyeva). “Kryvija” and “Zadruga” as Cultural and Political Horizons of National Rebirth Projects of Belarus and Poland: Experience of Comparative Analysis

Natallia Vasilievič (Natallia Vasilevich). Study of Belarusian Elites: Between Algebra and Geography
Iryna Lašuk and Aksana Šeliest (Iryna Lashuk and Aksana Shelest). The Symbolic and Communicative Dimensions of the Linguistic Practices of the Belarusian Poles
Michail Niadzviecki (Mikhail Niadzvietski). The Level of Web Activism by Candidates in the Local Elections 2010 (Minsk City)

Dzianis Mieljancoŭ (Dzianis Melyantsou). Defence Systems in Lithuania and Belarus: Comparative Perspective
Andrej Jahoraŭ (Andrei Yahorau). Who Has Benefitied from the Implementation of the Neighbourhood Policy in Belarus?

Aliaksiej Lastoŭski (Aliaksei Lastouski). Crisis of Belarusian Studies
Uladzislaŭ Ivanoŭ (Uladzislau Ivanou). Belarus, Mechanics of a Dictatorship
Siarhiej Liubimaŭ (Siarhei Liubimau). Urban Studies and the Issue of Innovations
Andžej Pukšto. Gente Lithuania, Natione Lithuania
Editorial Language Policy and Transliteration Principals
Authors of the Issue
About the Institute