All papers will be subjected to rigorous peer review. The authors are expected to be ready to rework their papers in accordance with the recommendations of the referees and the editorial board. The refereeing is double-blind. The criteria for selection of the papers are academic excellence, relevance for the thematic scope of the journal, and positive feedback from the referees.

    Our close objective is to be represented in international academic databases (such as Web of Science, Index Copernicus etc.)

    Papers in English, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian will be considered.


    Сity will publish original historical sources, with special focus on the intellectual history of urban studies, including interviews with scholars and memoirs about the academic community and development of urban studies. Publications of sources must be supplemented by a foreword and comments. Materials of public discussions and roundtables on relevant topics will be considered, as well. The journal pays special attention to reviewing the most important recent books and periodicals on urban studies.


    The most important thematic fields to be covered are:

- theory and methodology of urban studies;

- city and village in their interactions;

- economic history of cities;

- social space and practices in cities;

- citizens and city power;

- mental images and maps, symbolic geography of cities;

- material and natural city landscapes; urban history and cultural heritage;

- everyday-life structures in cities;

- city anthropology;

- materials of roundtables and public discussions;

- publications of sources;

- reviews and announcements.


Papers for the first issue are due by 1 April, 2016; for the second issue, by 1 October 2016.

Publication Guidelines:

1. Automatic endnotes are acceptable if you are submitting in Word; otherwise please create notes manually.

2. Article length: up to 40,000 characters.

3. Formatting: Times New Roman, 14-pt font size, 1.5 line spacing. The author’s

name in the right upper corner of the page, the article title centrally aligned.

4. Submit figures and illustrations as TIFF or JPEG images at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

5. A separate file should contain information about the author (name, professional or institutional affiliation, contact information).

6. For references, please adhere to the APA 2010 style.

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