Although all applications in fields associated with the humanities and social sciences will be considered, research proposals in the areas of identities, nationalism, regions, borders, social values, and historical politics and memory will be given preference. Successful applicants are expected to take up their post-doctoral appointments at CIUS beginning July 1, 2016, and no later than January 1, 2017.  A holder of the fellowship will be known as a Stasiuk Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (SPDRF). In addition to working on her/his main research project, the SPDRF will act as academic coordinator of the Contemporary Ukraine Studies Program (CUSP) at CIUS and is expected to assist and participate in the institute’s planning and activities.

  All interested candidates are requested to submit the following:

  * An up-to-date c.v.

  * A summary of previous research work/experience (250–300 words)

  * A research proposal (2,000–2,500 words). The proposal should include a description or discussion of the applicant’s relation to the topic of research.

  * A  certified copy of the document conferring the PhD or Candidate of Sciences degree (if not in English, please include a certified English translation).

  * Three letters of support (one must be from a scholar associated with the institution that granted the PhD or Candidate of Sciences degree).


  The application deadline is 15 March 2016. This competition is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, and foreign nationals. The annual stipend is $45,000. Award recipients receive supplemental health benefits. Up to $3,000 is available annually for research-related expenses. Recipients of this fellowship may not hold another fellowship concurrently. We thank all applicants for their interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

  A description of expectations of the Stasiuk Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

  The Stasiuk Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (SPDRF) engages in scholarly research, presenting and publishing research results on a topic related to modern or contemporary Ukraine. The main goal of a SPRDF is to produce (in the three-year period of her/his stay at CIUS) a monograph-length manuscript for publication. The SPRDF is also expected to write scholarly articles related to her/his main topic of research and give at least one public lecture annually at the University of Alberta.

  In addition to research on her/his main topic, the SPRDF acts as academic coordinator of the Contemporary Ukraine Studies Program (CUSP) at CIUS. The main task of the CUSP coordinator is to initiate and coordinate, in cooperation with other CIUS directors, academic work and activities at CIUS focused on contemporary Ukraine (independent Ukraine since 1991). This would include initiating and supporting research, as well as organizing lectures, seminars, symposia and other public events. The SPDRF is encouraged to initiate and engage in additional research projects aside from her/his main topic of research in the humanities or social sciences related to modern or contemporary Ukraine.

  To achieve these goals, the SPRDF will:

  * review the literature on Ukraine in the social sciences, particularly on topics in political development, regionalism, multiculturalism, and nationalism;

  * contact and explore possibilities for cooperation and collaboration with scholars and graduate students, not only within the University but also throughout North America, Europe, Ukraine and elsewhere, who are researching topics (in the social sciences) related to contemporary Ukraine;

  * identify and set priorities for feasible themes needing examination, including ones amenable to comparisons between Ukraine and Canada;

  * identify speakers, propose and help organize conferences and other fora;

  * initiate and undertake the writing of research grants, particularly on topics that are under-researched or insufficiently studied, as well as those lending themselves to interdisciplinary or comparative study;

  * collaborate with the editor of East/West–Journal of Ukrainian Studies to propose, initiate and participate in organizing special issues on topics related to contemporary Ukraine;

  * aim for community involvement in CUSP’s work with the goal of gaining interest and support, including financial support, for CUSP’s development and activities;

  * represent and publicize CUSP at national and international scholarly conferences, with the aim of establishing new links and partnerships;

  * contribute promotional and informational materials to the CIUS website and Facebook on CUSP and SPDRF activities and accomplishments;

  * plan and hold meetings related to activities associated with CUSP;

  * participate in CIUS Council of Directors meetings and other CIUS meetings and activities as agreed with the CIUS Director.

Complete package should be submitted to

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