The Israeli Inter-University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies is offering a small number of highly competitive postdoctoral fellowships in the field of Russian and East European Studies for the 2016-2017 academic year. The fellowships are offered to researchers across the Humanities and Social Sciences, broadly defined, and will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence. Postdoctoral fellowships are offered to young scholars who have received their PhD degree no earlier than 2011 and no later than December 2015. The fellows will be selected by an international academic committee and then placed in one of the partner universities (Bar-Ilan University, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Haifa University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University). Postdoctoral fellows will be awarded up to 87,500 NIS per year (equivalent to approximately $23,000). These grantees will be required to present two public lectures at their host institution during the fellowship year and participate in the partnership’s activities and events. The fellowships will entail a teaching commitment [one course] at the host university.  Applicants are requested to submit their curriculum vitae (no longer than four pages), a detailed statement of current research interests (up to 2000 words), one writing sample (no more than 25 pages) and two letters of recommendation (to be submitted directly by the recommenders by e-mail to: All materials must be submitted in English. Applicants should also state whether they are applying for other sources of funding for the fellowship period. APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 15, 2015 Please submit applications through our electronic system here. For more information on the partnership visit: For questions / concerns please write to: Subject: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Russian and East European Studies FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: IUAP@POST.TAU.AC.IL