We are seeking paper presentations related to Euromaidan about the following themes. Presentations should contain at least 50% new material.
1. Linguistics and
2. Social and political sciences
3. Media and communication
4. Folklore and culture
5. Maidan and religion
For more information see:
Individual and panel presentations will be accepted. Presenters will have approximately 15 minutes to present. Discussion will take place at the end of presentations from each research theme.
Proposal submissions should include:
a. Name and institution of presenter(s)
b. 250-word abstract
c. Description of how the speaker will engage the audience (e.g. paper will not be read; power-point will be used)
d. Theme to which the presentation is related
e. City/centre from which the presentation will be delivered
Please send to Prof. Olenka Bilash at no later than May 18, 2014.
Presenters are invited to submit their papers to the first issue of the NaUKMA / MacEwan online journal Social, Health and Communication Studies which will appear in November 2014 and will feature papers about the Maidan.