Headed by Director, Distinguished Professor Ien Ang, and Research Director, Professor Tony Bennett, the ICS is especially interested in projects in the following areas:

• Cities and Urban Cultures
• Intercultural Dialogue and Transnational Culture
• Institutions, Governance and Citizenship
• Cultural Economy and Globalisation
• Heritage, Environment and Society
• Digital Research and Cultural Transformation
• Australian Cultural Fields
• Culture and Education

Candidates with backgrounds in cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, human geography, cultural history, media and communication studies, Asian studies and other disciplines are encouraged to apply. International applications are welcome.

Essential Criteria

• Good Bachelor Honours degree (Class 1 or 2.1), or equivalent qualifications and/or experience
• Research or professional experience in a relevant field of humanities or social science

What does the scholarship provide?
Tax-free stipend of AUD33,728 per annum (with an increase for 2013) and a funded place in the doctoral degree.

Need more information?

• To discuss a project please contact Associate Professor Gregory
Noble: g.noble@uws.edu.au
• Contact the Research Scholarships Development Officer, Ms Tracy
Mills to discuss enrolment and scholarships: t.mills@uws.edu.au
• Find out more about the research being undertaken in ICS at

How to apply
• Submit an application form, research proposal and CV by the closing date. The application form can be downloaded from the web: www.uws.edu.au/research/scholarships

        Tulika Dubey
Institute for Culture and Society
University of Western Sydney
Building EM, Parramatta Campus I Locked Bag 1797, Penrith NSW 2751
P: +61 2 9685 9680 I F: +61 2 9685 9610 I W: http://www.uws.edu.au/ics

Email: t.dubey@uws.edu.au
