The first issue has been published in 2013, with contributors from 11 countries from both West and East, including USA, Canada, Belgium, France, Ukraine, Lithuania, Romania etc. Among the members of the editorial board of Dystopia are established scholars such as Lynne Viola (Toronto University), Jutta Scherrer (EHESS Paris), Vladimir Tismaneanu (University of Maryland), Amir Weiner (Stanford University), Irina Livezeanu (Pittsburgh University), Michael David-Fox (Georgetown University), Lavinia Stan (St. Francis Xavier University), Mark Sandle (King’s University College, Edmonton), Aleksander Stykalin (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) and others. The editors of the journal are Igor Casu (historian), Petru Negura (sociologist), Carter Johnson (political scientist), Mark Sandle (historian) and Igor Sarov (historian).

The deadline for submitting papers, book reviews, unpublished documents, debate articles is November 15, 2014. The editors accept texts in English, French, and Russian; as well as, in exceptional cases, in Romanian. For further details, please contact Igor Casu at, Director, Center for the Study of Totalitarianism, Faculty of History and Philosophy, State University of Moldova, 60 Alexe Mateevici St., Main Building, floor 5, Room 541, Chisinau, Moldova, tel./fax: 00 373 22 577844.

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